اخبار بنیاد فردوسی شاخه توسخاستگاه و جایگاه شاهنامه پژوهیدسته‌بندی نشدهیادداشت روز

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Pre-order The Seven Trials of Rostam
هفت خوان رستم
8 stunning pages, 12 intricate mechanics, and enclosed in a beautiful slipcase.
In English with Persian script.

*Special Edition signed and numbered by the artist with a limited edition print from the illustrations – $150 plus free shipping for US orders only.

*1 book $60 (regular price is $75)

Bundles at a discounted rate!
*6 books at $55 each or $330
*12 books at $50 each or $600
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Pre-order today: https://bit.ly/3xcoSfi

*Orders ship December 1, 2022
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#Shahnameh #Hamidinperson #SimonArizpe #PopUpBook #Rostam #Kingorama #حمیدرحمانیان# شاهنامه #هفت-خوان-رستم #hamidrahmanian

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